Elric of Melnibone by Michael Moorcock, Neil Gaiman Free Audiobook
Michael MoorcockNarrator
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Elric of Melnibone by Michael Moorcock, Neil Gaiman Free Audiobook Download
When Michael Moorcock began chronicling the adventures of the albino sorcerer Elric, last king of decadent Melniboné, and his sentient vampiric sword, Stormbringer, he set out to create a new kind of fantasy adventure, one that broke with tradition and reflected a more up-to-date sophistication of theme and style. The result was a bold and unique hero – weak in body, subtle in mind, dependent on drugs for the vitality to sustain himself – with great crimes behind him and a greater destiny ahead: a rock-and-roll antihero who would channel all the violent excesses of the ’60s into one enduring archetype.
Now, presented in the author’s preferred story order, the classic Elric saga.