The Perfect Swing by James McGirk Free Bedtime Stories
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The Perfect Swing by James McGirk Free Bedtime Stories
Hear singer, songwriter, and actor Nick Jonas lend his voice to the history of one of his favorite subjects: baseball.
This unique story is written specifically to help you drift off, with no clear beginning, middle, or end, so you don’t need to follow the details too closely. In it, you’ll hear Nick Jonas describe how Joe DiMaggio and Ted Williams reached legendary status, and how they shaped the three components of a perfect swing.
What is the perfect swing? You might be asleep before you find out.
This title is part of a collection of audio experiences created to deliver your best sleep during this difficult time. While we’re giving this away for free, we’ll also be donating meals daily through Newark Working Kitchens so those in need and first responders don’t go to bed hungry.
Brought to you in collaboration with Thrive Global.